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Taking in the Good

Taking in the Good

This talk encourages us to notice the uplifting stories of progress and goodness that exist alongside challenges in our world. Practice "taking in the good" with your community.
Sermon length:
Krista Tippett | On Being


Hello, and welcome.

We’re going to begin with a notion, a phrase, that I use all the time — and remember, all the time, that I need to define it: the generative narrative of our time; the generative story of our time. We are more familiar with the story of catastrophe and dysfunction, and that is real. But it’s not the whole story of us. That’s what this phrase is insisting on — that there is also an ordinary and abundant reality of things that are going right at any given time, of learning and growth that is happening, of evolution, and breakthrough.

One of the things that happens when I use this phrase, and people hear it for the first time, is that they say, give me an example. I find that hard, because my mind is so full and bursting with images, with faces and stories and particular people. This generative story of our time, for me, is so embodied and vivid at this point. I had to summon this phrase to describe what I was seeing in these years of drawing out wise and graceful voices in our world — some of them famous, some of them not. But also in being out in the world, meeting our listeners and meeting people in all kinds of disciplines, in all kinds of communities, all kinds of places. And seeing how ordinary it is that people are working with forms that are broken, with a world that is in pain, with institutions that don’t make sense anymore — and finding ways to be of service, to have an edifying effect on the people around them, to be healers in so many forms, and to model and advance — quietly, but so powerfully — what it looks like when we rise to our best humanity. We are capable of beauty and joy and dignity and incredible creativity and community and care.

So the first invitation for you here is to see — to see — that you see this, too. And my suspicion, because you are listening, is that you are also part of it, already. Now, we are strange creatures and this is one of our strangest qualities: that we don’t know how to tell this story of us. We don’t know how to take this story of us as seriously as we take rupture and what goes wrong. I’ve thought a lot about this across the years; why is that? It’s a complex question and has many answers. But fundamentally, a first response is that we are so skilled in our serious disciplines — which we need. We are skilled in journalism and scholarship, even in medicine and the law, at a critical analysis of problems. And as we learn more about our bodies and brains, we’re learning that really, our brains are riveted by a critical analysis of problems. Our brains are riveted by problems. Our bodies are designed to keep us safe, in part by keeping us on the alert for pathology, on the alert for what is dangerous.

This kind of science is a companion as we walk forward, because this kind of knowledge of ourselves can be a form of agency. Even with the magnitude of what is before us, we are equipped in a way previous generations of humans have not been, with knowledge that can be a form of agency: to become more conscious, to become more aware, to take ourselves more seriously, to act like the ecosystem the world needs us to be — sharing what we are seeing, finding ways to share what we are learning, joining our vulnerabilities, and joining our flourishing.

Calling out this reality, naming that there is a generative story of our time, is in fact a way to begin. And I also want to offer a simple practice, which is to set out to become, in the first instance, just alert and somewhat reverent of what is good and lifegiving in the ordinary encounters of your days: what you read, what you focus on, what you look for and notice in people close to you, and also what you notice in strangers. And let that shape the larger picture of the world that you’re working with.

I’ll share some language that has been helpful to me, that feels like it has the function of a tool, in this practice of noticing, as a start — noticing and naming. And this actually came from a scientific study of the positive physiological and psychological effects on people who practiced gratitude actively. One of the things that the scientists named that really shifted things for people was establishing a habit of what they called “taking in the good.”

So ponder this. Every time you “take in the good,” you are taking seriously the lifeblood, the raw materials, of the generative story of our time. You are stepping onto this landscape more fully with your imagination and with your presence. And in so doing, you make the generative possibilities of our time more visible and more real in this world that carries so much pain and so much promise.

I’ll see you next time.


Gathering Agenda

Below is a sample summary and question that could be used for an in-person gathering. Or you can use it inspiration as you craft your own. You know your community best.  


Written by Duncan Hamra

In this week's talk, Krista Tippett introduces us to the idea of focusing on the good that is happening in the world today, which she calls "the generative narrative of our time." She points out that while we're often bombarded with news of disasters and problems, that's not the whole picture. There's also a lot of good happening around us—people are learning, growing, and making positive changes.

Krista tells us that it's natural for us to pay more attention to problems because our brains are wired to notice what might be dangerous or confusing. However, she believes we can train ourselves to also see the good things happening around us. She has interviewed thousands of good and influential people, and she speaks from her experience when she says that positive change is more common than we might think.

To help us shift our focus towards the positive, Krista suggests starting with a simple habit: becoming aware of and appreciating the good moments and acts of kindness in our daily lives.

In the talk she refers to scientific studies that have found practicing gratitude can have powerful effects on our mental and physical health.

And, by consciously choosing to "take in the good," to be grateful for what is good, we're not just making ourselves feel better; we're also contributing to a larger story of hope and progress. A story that we are part of, and can choose to step into more fully. Krista invites us to notice the good things, big and small, that are happening all around us.

Let's practice this now. Today we're going to...

Sample Questions

Tell us about someone whose simple act of kindness changed your day for the better.

Example answer.

What's your favorite invention? What would your life be like without it?

Example answer.

Tell us about an act of kindness that inspired you.

Example answer.

What is profession/career that makes a meaningful difference in your day-to-day life, but doesn't get enough credit?

Example answer.


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Gathering Agenda 
🚧 under construction 🚧

This section is still being written. We are working on...

1) A 2-5 minute primer meant to bring new folks up to speed and refresh memories.

2) A handful of carefully selected questions to get your community talking.

Click below to see a completed Gathering Agenda.

Sample Agenda

Sample Questions

Tell us about someone whose simple act of kindness changed your day for the better.

Example answer.

What's your favorite invention? What would your life be like without it?

Example answer.

Tell us about an act of kindness that inspired you.

Example answer.

What is profession/career that makes a meaningful difference in your day-to-day life, but doesn't get enough credit?

Example answer.


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